Our strength is not only in our words, but also in the actions of our initiatives. We are a church beyond our brick and mortar. We strive to make a positive change across all of Western New York. We know that diversity is our strength, and therefore ALL are welcome to St. Paul's!


Here at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, we see the value in everyone and we want to be a catalyst for positive change in our community.
St. Paul’s is known as “the Church the children built”. The church started as an ecumenical Sunday School after World War II. The congregation grew from the Sunday School and became an Episcopal Church in the late 1940’s. The church building was dedicated in September 1949.
Our mission statement sums us up. St. Paul’s welcomes all to celebrate God’s love and embody that in our relationships and through faithful actions. Come and join the celebration. St. Paul’s is part of the Episcopal Church and we strive to live out the message of Jesus Christ, in which there are no outcasts and all are welcome.
We promote thoughtful discussion about what God is calling us to do and be, as followers of Jesus Christ. We work hard to translate the teachings of Jesus into our world today. Although we may have different points of view, we always approach one another from a place of respect & love.