A Note from Our Priest

Pastor Jason (Father Jason) joined us in September 2023. He also serves as Priest-in-Charge at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church in Buffalo. Together we are working to explore regional ministry that will benefit both of us.
St. Paul’s tagline is “The Church that children built.” While our focus is always on our youth, as they are the future of the church, this does not mean that we cater exclusively to youth. We offer programming targeted to all, often trying intergenerational programs to allow an opportunity for youth and adults to learn from and to share with one another.
Everyone is welcome at St. Paul’s. We believe that everyone of whatever faith background should be welcome to worship with us here at St. Paul’s. I invite you to check out our schedule of upcoming events.
Our community here focuses on sharing the love of God with everyone. The Gospel writer of Matthew attributes Jesus as saying, “Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Jesus does not put restrictions on who can come. Similarly, we do not believe that we should restrict who worships with us either.
Part of the joy I find in being a priest is talking with people about their individual faith journeys. I welcome the opportunity to talk with you and to explore how the community of St. Paul’s can help you discern your path. I can be reached by email at jason@stpaulsharrishill.org or by phone at 716-632-8221. If you’d prefer to set up time in advance, you may schedule a meeting using the form below.
May God’s peace and love enfold you now and always,
— Jason M Miller, Priest-in-Charge